Dr Perry Stanislas is a policing and security specialist, with a particular interest in developing countries. Dr Stanislas has over 35 years of experience in the field and has worked all around the world for security organisations (which include the police, intelligence service, anti-corruption agencies, private security companies inter alia). He started his career as a Security Officer in the Pan African Congress Movement (UK), after coming to their attention at the age of 16, after establishing community-based safety team in response to racist policing. Teaching martial arts, law, and basic policing procedures, and developing tactical responses to police aggression was an important element of Perry’s leadership role before joining the PACM.
His skill and dedication led to his rise through the ranks of the Security and Intelligence Division to become one of the most influential leaders in the PACM London Branch and national organisation. Perry was a security planner for the Black People’s Day of Action in the wake of the killings in Deptford, which was the largest and most successful mobilization of black people in British history. Perry and his team were responsible for the removal of Police Commander Graham Stockwell and his officers at Moonshot Club at the public launch of the campaign, after they refused to the leave the meeting which made him a police target for over a year.
His passion for policing and security led to Perry joining Bedfordshire Police, where he spent 13 years as a Senior Policy Advisor responsible for leading its strategy for improving the quality of police service delivery. The Home Office nominated Perry to become an instructor on the Senior Command Course for police leaders at the elite Bramshill Police Staff College where he spent seven years, before being asked to teach on the Commonwealth Senior Command Course training leaders from former colonial countries about strategic leadership matters.
He is currently Director for Postgraduate Policing Programmes at Canterbury Christ Church University, where he is responsible for leadership programmes for leaders from various policing agencies, to include the National Crime Agency. Prior to that he worked for Rabdan Security Academy in Abu Dhabi, as an Associate Professor in Policing and Security where he was responsible for its Executive Leadership Programme. He is a member of several professional associations, which includes: the International Association of Police Chiefs, the International Police Executive Symposium, the Caribbean Institute of Forensic Accountancy, which specializes in financial crime, and an executive member of the Association of Caribbean Criminal Justice Practitioners who are working closely with the Trinidad and Tobago Police to assist them to improve their crime fighting capabilities. Perry has also been an expert witness in international court cases.
Among his many publications include, Public Corruption, Regional and National Perspectives on Procurement Fraud (2017) which he co-edited with Professor Petter Gottschalk. In 2021 Dr Stanislas published Institutional Challenges Affecting the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force Service Delivery in J. Albrecht and G den Heyer (ed) book Enhancing Police Service Delivery. He is currently writing a book on policing and the national security infrastructure of Gambia.